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Laurel & Hardy
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 Stan Laurel solo
Rhubarb Vaselino Offline

Beiträge: 1.055

01.12.2015 17:12
'Monsieur don't care' (1924) wiederentdeckt! Antworten

Gute Nachricht aus den USA. Ein 7-Minuten-Fragment des verschollen geglaubten Stan-Solofilmes 'Monsieur don't care' aus dem Jahr 1924 wurde wiederentdeckt! Hier einige Auszüge aus Artikeln:

"Monsieur Don't Care is a 1924 American silent comedy film starring Stan Laurel as "Rhubarb Vaselino". The film is a parody of the Rudolph Valentino film Monsieur Beaucaire (1924)." (Wiki)

"Restored U.S. films to be shown will include two recently discovered silent films with Stan Laurel (Monsieur Don’t Care, from 1924) and Oliver Hardy (Maids and Muslin, from 1920), made before they began working together.“ (Forbes, 5.11.2015)

„Monsieur Don’t Care (1924) Directed by Scott Pembroke. Screenplay by Monte Brice, Lew Lipton. With Stan Laurel, Melba Brownrigg. Before teaming with Oliver Hardy, Stan Laurel starred as “Rhubarb Vaselino” in this parody of the Valentino hit Monsieur Beaucaire. A fragment of the original two-reel comedy, discovered in the archive of the CSC–Cineteca Nazionale, has been scanned in 4K, restored digitally, and printed on 35mm in its original Desmetcolor tinting by the L’Immagine Ritrovata laboratory in Bologna. (See also the Oliver Hardy short Maids and Muslin, screening with Varieté on November 4 and 15.) Silent. 7 min.“ (MoMA, 25.11.2015)

"Gus Maddin will introduce two films on the silent program including... “Monsieur Don’t Care” ,a 1924 comedy short starring Stan Laurel in his pre-Oliver Hardy days. Indiewire recently spoke to Maddin over the phone about why these two films matter to him and about the state of film preservation. 'Although, I haven't seen "Monsier Don't Care," it's mostly because I want to. I'm kind of obsessed with lost film and this other film I have playing that I co-directed, "The Forbidden Room" is made up out of lost matter. I'm just finishing up a massive lost film project where I reimagine the way movies were and "Monsieur Don't Care" is the fragment of a lost film. So I'm keen to experience it." (IndieWire, 13.11.2015)

Ich hoffe, daß das Fragment hoffentlich bald der L&H-Fangemeinde zugänglich gemacht wird...

Rhubarb Vaselino Offline

Beiträge: 1.055

24.03.2016 16:14
#2 RE: 'Monsieur don't care' (1924) wiederentdeckt! Antworten

Hier ein interessanter Artikel zu 'Monsieur Don't Care'

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Rhubarb Vaselino Offline

Beiträge: 1.055

07.07.2016 12:19
#3 RE: 'Monsieur don't care' (1924) wiederentdeckt! Antworten

Die Länge des gefundenen Fragments beträgt 7 Minuten, hier ein Ausschnitt...

Alfalfa ( Gast )

27.04.2017 12:59
#4 RE: 'Monsieur don't care' (1924) wiederentdeckt! Antworten

Ein wunderschönes Dokument!

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